Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ways to Gain Twitter Followers and Make it Stay that Way

Twitter is a micro-blogging community with millions of registered users. Twitter’s concept is to create a community of users who can send and receive updates from friends and family. Just like one every social networking website every user owns a dedicated profile where they upload photos and have a short biography about themselves written. The connection part of twitter is where a friend follows another friend and the chain continues as each individual gains more twitter followers. When that happens, both accounts are linked and tweets posted by one friend are visible by others if made public. Each update is limited to 140 characters so it’s more like sending out a text message with each tweet.
Starting out since 2006, Twitter has long cut out a niche area for itself in the world of social networking. Businesses now use the service to their advantage. Tens of millions of users attached to a single web site provides more than ample space for online businesses looking to market their wares.
So the question is as a small business owner, how do you drive traffic, expand sales and potentially increase profits as you gain twitter followers? The process to get twitter followers is a simple one once you’re loaded with the right information. This is what we aim to help you with. 
Attract Users Searching for a Service you provide. A well-written profile should include a description about your business and what products or services you provide. If you’re a web designer say so and put up good keywords that’ll get picked up whenever a user searches for something related to your business. Remember. You don’t have to heavily keywordize your profile page to get seen. Just write conversationally and that should do just fine.
Don’t Spam Followers.After working hard to gain a sizable amount of followers, don’t throw it all away by sending them spam tweets. The essence of Twitter is to communicate meaningfully and once you don’t abide by that it derides the joy of twittership not to talk of your followers blocking you cause they find your tweets a nuisance. Keep tweets simple. Links when occasionally placed should almost always take you back to a landing page on your site. It’s not bad to put up affiliate links once in a while but be sure it’s a website you trust before you do that.
These are but some rules for a fruitful market campaign on Twitter. Check out, if you’d like experienced and skilled hands on your Twitter account. They can help set up a Twitter marketing campaign at affordable rates.

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